15 research outputs found

    ID based cryptography for secure cloud data storage

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    International audienceThis paper addresses the security issues of storing sensitive data in a cloud storage service and the need for users to trust the commercial cloud providers. It proposes a cryptographic scheme for cloud storage, based on an original usage of ID-Based Cryptography. Our solution has several advantages. First, it provides secrecy for encrypted data which are stored in public servers. Second, it offers controlled data access and sharing among users, so that unauthorized users or untrusted servers cannot access or search over data without client's authorizatio

    Accountable privacy preserving attribute based framework for authenticated encrypted access in clouds

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    In this paper, we propose an accountable privacy preserving attribute-based framework, called Ins-PAbAC, that combines attribute based encryption and attribute based signature techniques for securely sharing outsourced data contents via public cloud servers. The proposed framework presents several advantages. First, it provides an encrypted access control feature, enforced at the data owner’s side, while providing the desired expressiveness of access control policies. Second, Ins-PAbAC preserves users’ privacy, relying on an anonymous authentication mechanism, derived from a privacy preserving attribute based signature scheme that hides the users’ identifying information. Furthermore, our proposal introduces an accountable attribute based signature that enables an inspection authority to reveal the identity of the anonymously-authenticated user if needed. Third, Ins-PAbAC is provably secure, as it is resistant to both curious cloud providers and malicious users adversaries. Finally, experimental results, built upon OpenStack Swift testbed, point out the applicability of the proposed scheme in real world scenarios

    La sécurité des données stockées dans un environnement cloud, basée sur des mécanismes cryptographiques

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    Recent technological advances have given rise to the popularity and success of cloud. This new paradigm is gaining an expanding interest, since it provides cost efficient architectures that support the transmission, storage, and intensive computing of data. However, these promising storage services bring many challenging design issues, considerably due to the loss of data control. These challenges, namely data confidentiality and data integrity, have significant influence on the security and performances of the cloud system. This thesis aims at overcoming this trade-off, while considering two data security concerns. On one hand, we focus on data confidentiality preservation which becomes more complex with flexible data sharing among a dynamic group of users. It requires the secrecy of outsourced data and an efficient sharing of decrypting keys between different authorized users. For this purpose, we, first, proposed a new method relying on the use of ID-Based Cryptography (IBC), where each client acts as a Private Key Generator (PKG). That is, he generates his own public elements and derives his corresponding private key using a secret. Thanks to IBC properties, this contribution is shown to support data privacy and confidentiality, and to be resistant to unauthorized access to data during the sharing process, while considering two realistic threat models, namely an honest but curious server and a malicious user adversary. Second, we define CloudaSec, a public key based solution, which proposes the separation of subscription-based key management and confidentiality-oriented asymmetric encryption policies. That is, CloudaSec enables flexible and scalable deployment of the solution as well as strong security guarantees for outsourced data in cloud servers. Experimental results, under OpenStack Swift, have proven the efficiency of CloudaSec in scalable data sharing, while considering the impact of the cryptographic operations at the client side. On the other hand, we address the Proof of Data Possession (PDP) concern. In fact, the cloud customer should have an efficient way to perform periodical remote integrity verifications, without keeping the data locally, following three substantial aspects : security level, public verifiability, and performance. This concern is magnified by the client’s constrained storage and computation capabilities and the large size of outsourced data. In order to fulfill this security requirement, we first define a new zero-knowledge PDP proto- col that provides deterministic integrity verification guarantees, relying on the uniqueness of the Euclidean Division. These guarantees are considered as interesting, compared to several proposed schemes, presenting probabilistic approaches. Then, we propose SHoPS, a Set-Homomorphic Proof of Data Possession scheme, supporting the 3 levels of data verification. SHoPS enables the cloud client not only to obtain a proof of possession from the remote server, but also to verify that a given data file is distributed across multiple storage devices to achieve a certain desired level of fault tolerance. Indeed, we present the set homomorphism property, which extends malleability to set operations properties, such as union, intersection and inclusion. SHoPS presents high security level and low processing complexity. For instance, SHoPS saves energy within the cloud provider by distributing the computation over multiple nodes. Each node provides proofs of local data block sets. This is to make applicable, a resulting proof over sets of data blocks, satisfying several needs, such as, proofs aggregationAu cours de la dernière décennie, avec la standardisation d’Internet, le développement des réseaux à haut débit, le paiement à l’usage et la quête sociétale de la mobilité, le monde informatique a vu se populariser un nouveau paradigme, le Cloud. Le recours au cloud est de plus en plus remarquable compte tenu de plusieurs facteurs, notamment ses architectures rentables, prenant en charge la transmission, le stockage et le calcul intensif de données. Cependant, ces services de stockage prometteurs soulèvent la question de la protection des données et de la conformité aux réglementations, considérablement due à la perte de maîtrise et de gouvernance. Cette dissertation vise à surmonter ce dilemme, tout en tenant compte de deux préoccupations de sécurité des données, à savoir la confidentialité des données et l’intégrité des données. En premier lieu, nous nous concentrons sur la confidentialité des données, un enjeu assez considérable étant donné le partage de données flexible au sein d’un groupe dynamique d’utilisateurs. Cet enjeu exige, par conséquence, un partage efficace des clés entre les membres du groupe. Pour répondre à cette préoccupation, nous avons, d’une part, proposé une nouvelle méthode reposant sur l’utilisation de la cryptographie basée sur l’identité (IBC), où chaque client agit comme une entité génératrice de clés privées. Ainsi, il génère ses propres éléments publics et s’en sert pour le calcul de sa clé privée correspondante. Grâce aux propriétés d’IBC, cette contribution a démontré sa résistance face aux accès non autorisés aux données au cours du processus de partage, tout en tenant compte de deux modèles de sécurité, à savoir un serveur de stockage honnête mais curieux et un utilisateur malveillant. D’autre part, nous définissons CloudaSec, une solution à base de clé publique, qui propose la séparation de la gestion des clés et les techniques de chiffrement, sur deux couches. En effet, CloudaSec permet un déploiement flexible d’un scénario de partage de données ainsi que des garanties de sécurité solides pour les données externalisées sur les serveurs du cloud. Les résultats expérimentaux, sous OpenStack Swift, ont prouvé l’efficacité de CloudaSec, en tenant compte de l’impact des opérations cryptographiques sur le terminal du client. En deuxième lieu, nous abordons la problématique de la preuve de possession de données (PDP). En fait, le client du cloud doit avoir un moyen efficace lui permettant d’effectuer des vérifications périodiques d’intégrité à distance, sans garder les données localement. La preuve de possession se base sur trois aspects : le niveau de sécurité, la vérification publique, et les performances. Cet enjeu est amplifié par des contraintes de stockage et de calcul du terminal client et de la taille des données externalisées. Afin de satisfaire à cette exigence de sécurité, nous définissons d’abord un nouveau protocole PDP, sans apport de connaissance, qui fournit des garanties déterministes de vérification d’intégrité, en s’appuyant sur l’unicité de la division euclidienne. Ces garanties sont considérées comme intéressantes par rapport à plusieurs schémas proposés, présentant des approches probabilistes. Ensuite, nous proposons SHoPS, un protocole de preuve de possession de données capable de traiter les trois relations d’ensembles homomorphiques. SHoPS permet ainsi au client non seulement d’obtenir une preuve de la possession du serveur distant, mais aussi de vérifier que le fichier, en question, est bien réparti sur plusieurs périphériques de stockage permettant d’atteindre un certain niveau de la tolérance aux pannes. En effet, nous présentons l’ensemble des propriétés homomorphiques, qui étend la malléabilité du procédé aux propriétés d’union, intersection et inclusio

    La sécurité des données stockées dans un environnement cloud, basée sur des mécanismes cryptographiques

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    Au cours de la dernière décennie, avec la standardisation d’Internet, le développement des réseaux à haut débit, le paiement à l’usage et la quête sociétale de la mobilité, le monde informatique a vu se populariser un nouveau paradigme, le Cloud. Le recours au cloud est de plus en plus remarquable compte tenu de plusieurs facteurs, notamment ses architectures rentables, prenant en charge la transmission, le stockage et le calcul intensif de données. Cependant, ces services de stockage prometteurs soulèvent la question de la protection des données et de la conformité aux réglementations, considérablement due à la perte de maîtrise et de gouvernance. Cette dissertation vise à surmonter ce dilemme, tout en tenant compte de deux préoccupations de sécurité des données, à savoir la confidentialité des données et l’intégrité des données. En premier lieu, nous nous concentrons sur la confidentialité des données, un enjeu assez considérable étant donné le partage de données flexible au sein d’un groupe dynamique d’utilisateurs. Cet enjeu exige, par conséquence, un partage efficace des clés entre les membres du groupe. Pour répondre à cette préoccupation, nous avons, d’une part, proposé une nouvelle méthode reposant sur l’utilisation de la cryptographie basée sur l’identité (IBC), où chaque client agit comme une entité génératrice de clés privées. Ainsi, il génère ses propres éléments publics et s’en sert pour le calcul de sa clé privée correspondante. Grâce aux propriétés d’IBC, cette contribution a démontré sa résistance face aux accès non autorisés aux données au cours du processus de partage, tout en tenant compte de deux modèles de sécurité, à savoir un serveur de stockage honnête mais curieux et un utilisateur malveillant. D’autre part, nous définissons CloudaSec, une solution à base de clé publique, qui propose la séparation de la gestion des clés et les techniques de chiffrement, sur deux couches. En effet, CloudaSec permet un déploiement flexible d’un scénario de partage de données ainsi que des garanties de sécurité solides pour les données externalisées sur les serveurs du cloud. Les résultats expérimentaux, sous OpenStack Swift, ont prouvé l’efficacité de CloudaSec, en tenant compte de l’impact des opérations cryptographiques sur le terminal du client. En deuxième lieu, nous abordons la problématique de la preuve de possession de données (PDP). En fait, le client du cloud doit avoir un moyen efficace lui permettant d’effectuer des vérifications périodiques d’intégrité à distance, sans garder les données localement. La preuve de possession se base sur trois aspects : le niveau de sécurité, la vérification publique, et les performances. Cet enjeu est amplifié par des contraintes de stockage et de calcul du terminal client et de la taille des données externalisées. Afin de satisfaire à cette exigence de sécurité, nous définissons d’abord un nouveau protocole PDP, sans apport de connaissance, qui fournit des garanties déterministes de vérification d’intégrité, en s’appuyant sur l’unicité de la division euclidienne. Ces garanties sont considérées comme intéressantes par rapport à plusieurs schémas proposés, présentant des approches probabilistes. Ensuite, nous proposons SHoPS, un protocole de preuve de possession de données capable de traiter les trois relations d’ensembles homomorphiques. SHoPS permet ainsi au client non seulement d’obtenir une preuve de la possession du serveur distant, mais aussi de vérifier que le fichier, en question, est bien réparti sur plusieurs périphériques de stockage permettant d’atteindre un certain niveau de la tolérance aux pannes. En effet, nous présentons l’ensemble des propriétés homomorphiques, qui étend la malléabilité du procédé aux propriétés d’union, intersection et inclusionRecent technological advances have given rise to the popularity and success of cloud. This new paradigm is gaining an expanding interest, since it provides cost efficient architectures that support the transmission, storage, and intensive computing of data. However, these promising storage services bring many challenging design issues, considerably due to the loss of data control. These challenges, namely data confidentiality and data integrity, have significant influence on the security and performances of the cloud system. This thesis aims at overcoming this trade-off, while considering two data security concerns. On one hand, we focus on data confidentiality preservation which becomes more complex with flexible data sharing among a dynamic group of users. It requires the secrecy of outsourced data and an efficient sharing of decrypting keys between different authorized users. For this purpose, we, first, proposed a new method relying on the use of ID-Based Cryptography (IBC), where each client acts as a Private Key Generator (PKG). That is, he generates his own public elements and derives his corresponding private key using a secret. Thanks to IBC properties, this contribution is shown to support data privacy and confidentiality, and to be resistant to unauthorized access to data during the sharing process, while considering two realistic threat models, namely an honest but curious server and a malicious user adversary. Second, we define CloudaSec, a public key based solution, which proposes the separation of subscription-based key management and confidentiality-oriented asymmetric encryption policies. That is, CloudaSec enables flexible and scalable deployment of the solution as well as strong security guarantees for outsourced data in cloud servers. Experimental results, under OpenStack Swift, have proven the efficiency of CloudaSec in scalable data sharing, while considering the impact of the cryptographic operations at the client side. On the other hand, we address the Proof of Data Possession (PDP) concern. In fact, the cloud customer should have an efficient way to perform periodical remote integrity verifications, without keeping the data locally, following three substantial aspects : security level, public verifiability, and performance. This concern is magnified by the client’s constrained storage and computation capabilities and the large size of outsourced data. In order to fulfill this security requirement, we first define a new zero-knowledge PDP proto- col that provides deterministic integrity verification guarantees, relying on the uniqueness of the Euclidean Division. These guarantees are considered as interesting, compared to several proposed schemes, presenting probabilistic approaches. Then, we propose SHoPS, a Set-Homomorphic Proof of Data Possession scheme, supporting the 3 levels of data verification. SHoPS enables the cloud client not only to obtain a proof of possession from the remote server, but also to verify that a given data file is distributed across multiple storage devices to achieve a certain desired level of fault tolerance. Indeed, we present the set homomorphism property, which extends malleability to set operations properties, such as union, intersection and inclusion. SHoPS presents high security level and low processing complexity. For instance, SHoPS saves energy within the cloud provider by distributing the computation over multiple nodes. Each node provides proofs of local data block sets. This is to make applicable, a resulting proof over sets of data blocks, satisfying several needs, such as, proofs aggregatio

    SABE : a Selective Attribute-Based Encryption for an efficient threshold multi-level access control

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    International audienceWith the emergence of decentralized systems and distributed infrastructures, access control to outsourced data becomes more complex, as it should be flexible and distinguishable among users with different access rights. In this paper, we present SABE, a Selective Attribute-based Encryption scheme, as a new threshold multilevel access control mechanism based on an original use of attribute based encryption schemes. Our proposal is multi-fold. First, it ensures fine-grained access control, supporting multi-security levels with respect to different granted access privileges for each outsourced data file. Second, SABE is proven secure against selective non-adaptive chosen ciphertext attacks in the generic group model. Third, our construction is proven to provide efficient processing and communication complexities, compared to most closely related scheme

    Data security and privacy preservation in cloud storage environments based on cryptographic mechanisms

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    International audienceRecent technological advances have sparked the popularity and success of cloud. This new paradigm is gaining an expanding interest, since it provides cost ecient architectures that support the transmission, storage, and intensive computing of data. However, these promising storage services bring many challenging design issues, considerably due to both loss of data control and abstract nature of clouds. The objective of this survey is to provide a consistent view about both data security concerns and privacy issues that are faced by clients in cloud storage environments. This survey brings a critical comparative analysis of cryptographic defense mechanisms, and beyond this, it explores research directions and technology trends to address the protection of outsourced data in cloud infrastructure

    Security SLA based monitoring in clouds

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    International audienceNowadays, Cloud providers revise the terms of their Service Level Agreements (SLAs) to include security provisions due to their criticality for their customers. In order to speed up their adoption by service providers and consumers and to make them more actionable, security SLAs monitoring should be described in a machine-processable, agile and extensible way. Several tools for SLA management are available on the market but most deal with performance metrics and do not refer to security properties. There are other tools for monitoring cloud security, in a non-SLA way. However, they are not associated with SLA management systems. We propose an extension to an SLA language (i.e., rSLA) to enable the description of security requirements in an SLA document. We also extend the rSLA framework by a security methodology that makes use of known tools and that enables continuously checking that the security requirements are respected during runtime according to the SLA documen

    Cooperative and smart attacks detection systems in 6G-enabled Internet of Things

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    International audienceThe Sixth Generation (6G) of mobile networks offers the promise of a global interconnected system, serving a large set of applications across multiple fields such as satellite, air, ground, and underwater networks. It will evolve towards a unified network compute fabric that facilitates convergence across ecosystems, fostering design and innovation of new Internet of Things (IoT) applications and services, further leading to an exponential growth of IoT use cases in the post-6G era. This profound evolution will also contribute to further evolving the threat landscape, adding new threat actors, and leading to a new set of cyber security challenges. This paper reviews 6G applications and analyzes their evolved security challenges and existing solutions, covering both the network, application and data layers. It introduces a new concept to security monitoring and attack detection in 6G-enabled IoT systems, leveraging on hierarchical and collaborative approaches, while also satisfying the main 6G's Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) such as trustworthiness, latency, connectivity, data rate and energy consumption. The proposed solution implements a multi-level Federated Learning (FL) approach between IoT devices and edge computing applications. As compared to current centralized security monitoring and detection solutions, it better conciliates between the attack detection accuracy and the network overhead for implementing this model. We demonstrate the use of the proposed solution through an example scenario involving an Internet of Vehicles that communicate over a 6G network